Urban Advertising and Creative Advertising Billboards

Urban Advertising and Creative Advertising Billboards

  • Article Number: 16
A billboard is a large frame that provides a good space for the government, craftsmen and suppliers to place the advertisement; And basically refers to any outdoor space on which it is possible to place ads.

Billboard History

The billboard dates back to the first civilizations. In the history of ancient Egypt, we come across obelisk stone pillars, which are square pillars with a pyramidal shape and are made of solid stone.
These pillars were not only decorative, but also used to promote the religion of the ancient Egyptians, and various religious phrases and prayers were engraved on them. There are also obelisks on which important national laws are written and exposed to the public. Although the content of these columns is limited to religious and political issues, it undoubtedly fits into today's definition of advertising.

But today, advertisements mostly mean very large and illuminated billboards that are placed on tall pedestals and can be seen from a distance. The billboard is actually a large billboard next to highways and roads. The main reason for attracting the attention of passers-by and drivers is not too big billboards, but the message and design that is in it can be fascinating and effective. In addition to the large size, there are other important things to consider when designing a billboard. Due to the high cost and little time that people see, we need creativity and a lot of difference in the initial design of billboards.
Creative Billboard Design
Billboard is undoubtedly one of the most powerful environmental media tools that has always been the focus of businessmen, manufacturers, banks and service providers from ancient times to the present day.

Advertisements today are a collection of great images, and those that have come up with new ideas remain in the mind. As viewers, we can have different views on each ad, but there is no denying the fact that billboards are a symbol of the constant flow of life.

The first steps in advertising In 1450, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the portable printing press, advertising leaflets were introduced to the public in their present form.

In 1796, with the completion of lithographic methods, the first illustrated poster was created. Over time, people looked for the right places to place their ads in order to have the most visitors and the highest impact within a certain time frame, thus, special columns and boxes were placed in the busiest places of the cities.

Roadside advertising was first used by local American merchants and traders. They painted signs and plaques on walls and fences, or placed posters on telegraph poles, walls, and wherever possible. In New York in 1835, the first very large poster was erected outdoors. The 15-square-meter poster was printed by Jared Bell to promote a circus.

In 1800, the first poster was designed in the modern sense, and in addition to the poster, many efforts were made for urban advertising. The French used a projector to throw light into words installed on the street, so that in cloudy or dark weather, the luminous words would catch the eye.
Creative Billboard Design

Factors influencing billboard design

Billboards have now become one of the most popular news items. What can be effective for an urban advertisement to be able to affect the audience's subconscious is, first of all, the designer's creativity.

One of the most important principles of a billboard is the general idea of its design, this idea should be clear and have an understandable message and attract the viewer. Billboard design is therefore of particular importance.
Creative Billboard Design

General category of advertising billboards

Billboard advertising is a type of outdoor advertising in which the audience is targeted outside the home and is a large poster, image or painting that is installed in high-traffic areas. Billboards can be divided into three types:

Ordinary billboards: The most widely used type of billboards with an approximate size of 12 square meters, which are usually single-sided.

Scrollers: This type of billboard has the ability to display multiple posters in which several ads are rolled in them and usually the poster changes after every twelve seconds and is displayed in turn. The dimensions of this type of billboards are usually 9 square meters. They are installed on streets that are relatively smaller than ordinary billboards.

Megaboards: The largest form of billboards that are installed in very busy neighborhoods and are usually multifaceted and their size reaches 72 square meters. Posters on megaboards usually last longer and are more permanent in this regard.
Creative Billboard Design
As mentioned, billboards can be more effective than other advertising methods if they have creative designs and the right thinking and ideas are used to create them. Customers see different designs on the billboard and are forced to think and buy products and services that are engraved on it.

The location of the billboard can also play a key role in the effectiveness of this method. In fact, a billboard that is built in the right place and the designs on it are completely creative and with new ideas, can easily get the customer to buy in the fastest possible time.

Public or private means of transportation such as bus hulls, distribution cars, subway trains, etc., as well as environmental media such as advertising stands, billboards (advertising stand stands), lettering on shop windows, murals, LED lamps, shop windows, etc. Another way is to use environmental advertising.

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